Armer Installation ======================================== Requirements ------------- * `Python `_ >= 3.6 * `ROS Noetic `_ * `Robotics Toolbox for Python `_ * `QCR repos `_ Robot Specific Requirements ------------- * ROS drivers with joint group velocity controllers (ros_control) * Robotics Toolbox model or URDF (loaded as a robot_description parameter) Quickstart Installation (Native Linux) -------------------------------- Copy and paste the following code snippet into a terminal to create a new catkin workspace and install the Armer drivers to it. Note this script will also add the workspace to be sourced every time a bash terminal is opened. .. code-block:: bash # Install pip sudo apt install python3-pip # Make the workspace and clone armer and armer_msgs packages mkdir -p ~/armer_ws/src && cd ~/armer_ws/src git clone && git clone # Install all required packages pip install -r ~/armer_ws/src/armer/requirements.txt cd .. && rosdep init && rosdep update && rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y # Make and source the workspace catkin_make echo "source ~/armer_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/armer_ws/devel/setup.bash echo "Installation complete!" .. note:: If the ``rosdep`` command is failing to find dependencies, make sure the QCR Robotic Vision repos have been added. See `Adding QCR Robotic Vision Repos `_ RoboStack Installation (Linux, Mac, Windows) -------------------------------- To enable easy use of ROS on these operating systems, it is recommended to use `RoboStack `_; note that ROS 1 (noetic) is recommended at this stage. Please ensure you have `mamba `_ installed before proceeding. Please follow all required steps for the RoboStack install (as per their instructions) to enable the smoothest setup on your particular OS. .. note:: This is still in progress. See here for updates. .. code-block:: bash # --- Mamba Environment Setup --- # # Create and activate a new robostack (ros-env) environment mamba create -n ros-env ros-noetic-desktop python=3.9 -c robostack-staging -c conda-forge --no-channel-priority --override-channels mamba activate ros-env # Install some compiler packages mamba install compilers cmake pkg-config make ninja # FOR WINDOWS: Install the Visual Studio command prompt - if you use Visual Studio 2022 mamba install vs2022_win-64 # --- ARMer Setup --- # # Make the armer workspace and clone in armer and armer_msgs packages # FOR LINUX/MACOS mkdir -p ~/armer_ws/src && cd ~/armer_ws/src # FOR WINDOWS: Assumes you are in the home folder mkdir armer_ws\src && cd armer_ws\src # Clone in armer and armer_msgs git clone && git clone # Install all required packages (into ros-env) - from current directory # FOR LINUX/MACOS pip install -r armer/requirements.txt # FOR WINDOWS pip install -r armer\requirements.txt # Enter armer_ws folder and run rosdep commands cd .. && rosdep init && rosdep update && rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y # Make and source the workspace (including environment) catkin_make # --- Default Activation of Environment --- # # FOR LINUX echo "mamba activate ros-env" >> ~/.bashrc # FOR MACOS echo "mamba activate ros-env" >> ~/.bash_profile # --- Workspace Source --- # source ~/armer_ws/devel/setup.bash If the script has completed with no errors, continue on to `Supported Arms `_.