Creating a Robotics Toolbox Model ================================== Armer loads a URDF model into the Python Robotic Toolbox framework to process the kinematics and other movement related calculations. .. note:: For more information on the Robotics Toolbox see their `documentation page `_ The Robotics Toolbox contains a wide `selection of arms `_ so always check first before setting out to creating your own. Create the following file structure: .. code-block:: bash ├── HARDWARE_PACKAGE_NAME │ ├── │ └── robots │ ├── │ └── ├── cfg │ ├── ROBOT_NAME_real.yaml │ └── ROBOT_NAME_sim.yaml ├── CMakeLists.txt ├── data │ └── xacro │ ├── meshes │ └── robots │ ├── RELEVANT_XACRO_FILES.xacro ├── launch │ └── robot_bringup.launch ├── LICENSE ├── package.xml ├── └── The relevant meshes should be placed in ``data/xacro/meshes`` Relevant URDF files should be placed in ``data/xacro/robots`` Fill in the following template and paste into the Python file in ``armer_ROBOT_NAME/robots/`` .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from roboticstoolbox.robot.ERobot import ERobot from rospkg import RosPack class ROBOT_MODEL_NAME(ERobot): def __init__(self): links, name, urdf_string, urdf_filepath = self.URDF_read("robots/ROBOT_URDF.xacro", tld=RosPack().get_path('HARDWARE_PACKAGE_NAME') + '/data/xacro') super().__init__( links, name=name, urdf_string=urdf_string, urdf_filepath=urdf_filepath, manufacturer="ROBOT_MANUFACTURER_NAME", gripper_links=links[7] ) self.addconfiguration( "qr", np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) ) if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma nocover robot = ROBOT_MODEL_NAME() print(robot) To verify the model has been created correctly, ```` can be run and will print out details of the model In order for Armer and RTB to be able to find the custom robot model file, the ```` and ```` files must also be configured correctly. The contents ```` of should be as follows: .. code-block:: python from armer_ROBOT_NAME.models.ROBOT_NAME import ROBOT_NAME __all__ = [ 'ROBOT_NAME' ] An example of ```` can be found in `armer_mico `_. Modify armer_mico instances to match the name of the custom package. Your model can now be called by RTB and can be loaded from a config file for Armer to use.